Our Story

Our Principal - Ms. K. Els

My journey in education and children development began as a Baby Instructor in 2005. Just by gradually and gently waking up all of baby’s senses and muscles in a specific sequence, that is when brain development occurs. No matter how clever the brain, the brain needs wide-awake senses and strong muscles to prompt the brain into action. 

This was part of my training, working with underprivileged or special homes children. My personal passion for children in their development stages started during these years.

I was curious as to why the stereo type arose pertaining 2-year-olds, which is called “terrible two’s.”

I was intrigued and wanted to know more about the brain and development stages.

My captivation led me to various studies and authors who had so much insight on brain and development stages, specifically from birth.

Throughout the years I was continuously brought back into the world of Education. I was privileged to take part in building a primary school from the ground up and playing an imperative role in the lives of our children for over 10 years. Part of my background also includes working with the Department of Education.

I believe in children and the magnificent future God has for them. The responsibility in the unfolding of the plan and purpose God has for our children is in our hands and indeed such a privilege.

Parents in collaboration with yourself and Dynamic Kids as a whole, we can impact and impart lifelong values in the lives of our children.

Our Founders: Drs. HL and PN Bester

Dynamic Kids was established because of a vision birthed in the heart of Dr. Hendrik Bester.
He saw through his years how education was lacking and how schools were going backwards instead of forwards. He saw how many children were influenced in a negative way and became rebellious. He was deeply concerned for the deteriorating pass rate, the teacher-strikes and lack of care towards children.

Drs. Bester’s hearts were for children and teachers and they only wanted the best for them. They believed in creating a good and pleasant environment where both children and educators would be happy and relaxed, without any unnecessary pressures. They believed that there was always room for development and moving forward.

Saying all of this, Drs. Bester always aimed to have the best principal and best teachers with a heart for children, to ensure that children who attended our school would receive the best education- a foundational value that we still carry forward today.

Previous Principal - Mrs C Steyn

What an amazing privilege to be involved with early learners that are so eager and hungry to experience new and adventure things – Youngsters who get excited over small things that we as adults sometimes take for granted. What a privilege to learn daily from them, see how they grow and develop, laugh, and play. See how they overcome obstacles and how they accept one another for who they are.

Together with Dynamic Kids staff, I am grateful for the growth that is taking place in all our Centre’s. We believe that all children have enormous and often untapped potential. We strive to care for and create a space where these youngsters can become independent, innovative learners with a positive attitude towards learning.

Good news, our Centre’s have an “every day is an open day” approach, where everyone is welcome to come and visit: